XML Serialization in .NET Core
Sometimes, you have to parse XML. Yes, JSON exists, and you should use it, but tell that to your good friend the Legacy Platform. Anyway, there’s two things you can use for this.
Doing the web stuff
Sometimes, you have to parse XML. Yes, JSON exists, and you should use it, but tell that to your good friend the Legacy Platform. Anyway, there’s two things you can use for this.
I don’t know ReactJs. Clearly. As such I was stuck for about three days on why a function wouldn’t work correctly. I found out about how state works, and about binding functions in the constructor and all that. But I chopped what I had down to two identical functions doing identical things, and one of them worked. I wrote up a full Stackoverflow question and was about to post, when I saw it. I had this:
I watched this talk and I feel like I’ve reached some kind of enlightenment. I’ve been in the guts of a bunch of data layer unit tests in work lately, and I’ve seen things with this pattern.
Am I wrong? I mean, on a fundamental level. Say you have an outer transaction to do all the things, and two inner transactions A and B. If transaction A throws an error, and B is fine, you either:
Oh boy this was a lot easier than getting Ghost running.